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LA admin – pending users

Upon account creation, the user will receive an email detailing their username and the next step in creating a password and set of security details. To confirm their identity and complete the second part of the two-stage process, each new Aspire user needs a unique Activation code generated by Aspire.

  1. Go to the Administration icon
  1. Select ‘Users’, followed by ‘Pending users’.
  1. Use the dropdown to find the school, either by scrolling through the list or using text search e.g. DfE number or name of school.
  1. Find the row containing the user’s details.
  2. Supply the new Administrator with the unique Activation code by either of the following methods:
  • Pass the activation code securely to the new user by hand, post or electronically.
  • Contact the new user by telephone or in person and give out the Activation code.

Please note that if emailing you should be sure that you are using a secure process and be confident that any email address used is entirely correct, belonging to the intended recipient.

See resetting sign-up process for user

Updated on 14th April 2021

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