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LA admin – locking accounts

This guidance refers to functionality available to local authority administrators. This process will be used by the LA to administer school user and administrator accounts.

  1. Log into FFT Aspire using your email address and password.
  2. Go to your admin icon.
  1. Go to ‘Organisations’ at the top of the screen, followed by ‘Manage organisations’.
  1. You should be provided with a list of schools within your authority, each with a blue ‘lock’ icon at the far right.
  1. Click the ‘Lock’ icon next to the desired school, which will prompt you with a message. Select ‘Lock’ to confirm and the process is complete.
  1. You can check which schools are locked by using the ‘All/Locked’ toggle at the top right of the ‘Manage organisations’ page.
Updated on 14th April 2021

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