Pupils who are working below their age group / National Curriculum year can be monitored within the tracking module of Aspire using the B; PK and P-scale codes.
In the Target Setting module:
- Set appropriate age-related end of key stage targets for these pupils; making full use of the B; PK and P-scale codes available in Aspire Target Setting. Use your knowledge of the level of working of the pupil to support these targets. Review targets in line with your school policies.
In the Tracking module:
- When making age-related teacher judgements for these pupils use the B, PK and P-scales codes to show where these pupils are in relation to their chronological age / NC year.
- For each year group containing these pupils, set up two bespoke ‘school groups’, one which contains just these pupils and a second without them – e.g. ‘Yr4 pupils working below’ and ‘Y4 without below pupils’.
- Use the bespoke school groups as filters when monitoring these pupils over time e.g. :
In Curriculum Tracker:
- Create a curriculum that includes both the Objectives from the age appropriate NC year as well as Objectives from the year that these pupils are working from, e.g. Year 4 curriculum that contains some Y3 Objectives.
- In this example, choose the Y3 Objectives when recording outcomes for these pupils.
- When making final TA judgments for these pupils from the drop down menu at the top these need to be age-related judgements. Use the B, PK and P-scales codes to show where these pupils are in relation to their chronological age / NC year.