FFT File Exchange allows schools to securely upload files to FFT for a variety of purposes. This function shows all the uploads by a school for various services that have been run through out year, for example the Early Results service. There is a visual record of the files that were uploaded, that were successful and any reports that were generated based on them.
Key stage
There is a tab heading at the middle top left, which filters any uploads by their Key Stage (Key stage 1, 2, and 4). Just click on the tab to filter the display.
Below that is a blue link for the ‘Reports are available‘ – e.g. 2022 Reports.
If the service is still open, you click ‘Download XLS‘ which downloads the template in Excel and once populated it can then be uploaded using the ‘Upload XLS‘ option.
File upload history
Below the ‘Reports available‘ there is a file upload history, which lists all the uploads. You can at any time download the uploaded file by clicking on the blue down arrow under ‘Manage‘. If the files were uploaded successfully, there will be a small green ‘tick‘ to next to the date of the uploaded file. If errors exist, there will be a small red ‘x‘. you can click on the ‘i’ icon to show more details of the errors.