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Edit curriculum

This option allows you to edit an already existing curriculum.

  1. Click on the ‘Pupil Tracker‘ tab at the top of the screen, then click on ‘View & Edit Assessments
  2. Click on ‘Edit curriculum‘ (shown next to the one you wish to edit. You can filter the list of assessments using the search box on the top right)
  3. You can update your assessment and curriculum name and description
  4. Select the subjects from the drop down list of subjects, e.g. Reading, Writing, Maths etc.
  5. Select the year groups from the list of years
  6. Select the from the list of ‘Pre-defined templates’, e.g DfE
  1. You can then either click ‘Save‘ to store your changes, or, ‘Cancel‘ to discard changes. Alternatively you can click ‘Delete‘ to remove the Curriculum.

Deselecting subjects or year groups will delete pupil assessment data for those subjects or year groups.

Changing the pre-defined template deletes all pupil assessment data.

Updated on 31st December 2019

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