This option (which is for Primary schools only) allows you to create a curriculum, which will allow you to measure your pupils’ attainment against national curriculum objectives.
Create a new curriculum
- Click on the ‘Pupil Tracker‘ tab, under the heading Curriculum tracker, click on ‘Create Curriculum‘
- Enter your assessment and curriculum name and description
- Select the subjects from the list of subjects, e.g. Reading, Writing, Maths etc.
- Select the year groups from the list of years
- Select the from the list of ‘Pre-defined templates’, e.g DfE or choose ‘No template’ this will allow you to create a curriculum and add your own topics/objectives. (The topics and objectives within pre-defined DfE template can be manipulated to reflect the curriculum for your school i.e. topics/objectives can be amended/deleted, or you can add your own topics/objectives)
- Click ‘Save‘ to store the change, or alternatively you can click ‘Cancel‘ if you do not wish to proceed