Whilst many of the tasks in the administration system will be performed by data managers or administration staff, it is vital that member(s) of the Senior Leadership Team are involved in key decisions, particularly around target setting, as these will have an impact on how reports in the main Aspire system are used by school staff.
- Sign up to set your password and security answers
After receiving your sign-up email, you will be contacted at your school by a member of the FFT Customer Team or your local FFT administrator with the activation code required to complete the sign-up process. You will need to choose a secure password and choose answers to three different security questions. Make the answers easy to remember as you will need to give characters from these answers if you ever forget your password and use the
forgotten password functionality.
- Create other school user accounts
All users at the school who wish to access FFT benchmark, target-setting and self-evaluation data can be set up with an individual user account. New users will be taken through the same sign-up process which you’ve been through. Under no circumstances should accounts be shared across users.
- Set up target setting
Before using the target setting features in FFT Aspire you will need to think about appropriate levels of challenge (benchmarks), how you wish to set up targets (pre-population, allowing changes etc.) and which subjects to include. There are 3 sections at the end of this booklet about managing benchmarks, targets and subjects.