The Overview report is the starting point for self-evaluation. The gauges on the left display school attainment and the national averages for key performance measures. The gauges on the right display school progress for the same measures (value added). The lower part of the report highlights which pupil groups make the highest and lowest progress in key areas.
Attainment & progress
A visual representation of school and national average attainment over time though charts and tables. Progress (Value Added or Contextual Value Added) is calculated for the selected indicators.
Any two indicators can be displayed on the charts. The table at the bottom of the report provides analysis for a wide range of performance measures. The whole report can be recalculated for specific pupil groups.
Pupil groups
The report displays a three year history of attainment and progress for a range of key performance indicators. Statistical significance is indicated for attainment and progress in comparison with the national average. Statistically significant changes from the previous year are also indicated with the direction. The whole report can be re-calculated to focus on specific groups of pupils (e.g. FSM6 boys).
This interactive report provides analysis of a wide range of performance indicators for each KS1 subject. The charts on the right side can display any of the listed measures by clicking on the indicator name to turn it blue. The whole report can be recalculated for specific pupil groups.
Disadvantaged pupils
Click on the reporting year selector to view performance from a previous year. Select a performance indicator to be displayed in the table from the ‘Indicators’ selector. Click on the Export icon to create a PDF of the on-screen report.
The report displays named pupil attainment and progress for end of Key Stage 1 teacher assessments. The report helps quickly identify variations in an individual pupil’s performance in reading, writing, mathematics & science.
This interactive report shows an additional and easy way to analyse your performance visually. Using the scatterplot feature in FFT Aspire allows you to quickly identify excellence and under performance on the same chart.
The report is separated into two areas: the context of the year group and attendance rates. The Context area provides a profile breakdown of the year group, and the profile of the national year group for comparative purposes. The Absence area focuses on absence rates of specific pupil groups and provides national comparative figures for the year group.