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KS5 2022 self-evaluation guidance

FFT has used the data provided to us from the DfE in late 2022 to produce a full suite of self-evaluation subject reports for subscribing schools.

Historical data from 2020 and 2021 was provided to us by schools who took part in FFT’s Result Services in those years.

The blue dotted lines on the trend reports indicate that these years were from teacher and centre-based results provided to us by schools and should be considered with care.

Analysing your results – all subjects

  • How does attainment and progress compare to the national average across all subjects?
  • Is there any variation against key measures across all subjects?

Analysing your results – individual subjects

  • Do pupils in my subject make more or less progress than pupils with similar prior attainment?
  • How does attainment and progress compare to the national average?
  • Gender, prior attainment and disadvantage can have a significant impact on your results. Use the pupil groups section of the subject report to identify the potential impact of these factors.
  • Use the pupils report to identify any outliers.

Use of colour in the reports

Green is used to show where the performance of the subject is significantly above the national average, with red indicating performance that is significantly below the national average.


How have you calculated 2020 and 2021 national figures?

National figures for 2020 and 2021 have been calculated from centres who provided data to FFT as part of the respective A Level Results Services.

What have you used as the KS4 starting point in 2022?

The DfE has provided FFT with a complete set of 2020 Key Stage 4 centre-assessed grades to use as the starting point for value-added calculations. We will have also included GCSEs taken early in 2019, and if pupils finished KS4 in 2019, then we used the exam results from that year.

How have FFT calculated progress from KS4 to KS5?

The FFT Key Stage 5 Value Added model compares students’ Key Stage 5 attainment with that of other Key Stage 5 students nationally with similar Key Stage 4 starting points. The progress model uses the following as inputs to define similar pupils: Key Stage 4 APS, number of 9-7 GCSE passes, attainment in the same/similar subject at KS4, (where available), gender and month of birth. Where values are positive, KS4-5 progress at the school is higher than for similar pupils nationally. A negative value means the opposite. Progress is only calculated for ‘matched pupils’ (those with KS4 prior attainment).

How have Prior Attainment Bands been calculated in 2022?

Prior Attainment Bands in 2022 have been calculated from 2020 Key Stage 4 centre-assessed grades. We use a capped point scores.

  • H: >=47 Points
  • M: >=32.5 and <47 Points
  • L: >=0 Points

Average Point Score (best 3 A levels) measure

In 2022, only students awarded 3+ A levels are included in this measure. We also include students who have 1 or 2 A-levels and they are the only qualifications they have taken.

Updated on 27th February 2023

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