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KS4 2020/2021 self-evaluation guidance (Wales)

2020 and 2021 self-evaluation reports have been calculated using the highest result from either the Centre Assessed Grades or the Exam Board Grades and processed by the Welsh Government. Results were issued to local authorities by the Welsh Government, which in turn have been passed by local authorities to FFT. Indicators such as Capped 9 have been calculated by FFT using the method of calculation in use in 2019.


Please use caution when comparing these years’ results to outcomes from previous years.

The reports emphasise this with a line separating the 2020 results from the 2017-2019 test outcomes.

Analysing your results

Do pupils in my school make more or less progress than pupils with similar prior attainment from KS2?

  • How does attainment and progress compare to the national average?
  • Gender, prior attainment and disadvantage can have a significant impact on your results. Use the pupil groups section to identify the potential impact of these factors.
  • Use the scatterplots to identify pupil outliers.
  • What about subject variation?

Use of colour in the reports

Green is used to show where the school’s performance is significantly above the national average, with red indicating performance that is significantly below the national average.


How have the national figures been calculated and are they ‘accurate’?

For national attainment figures, we’ve taken the data supplied to FFT by 19 of the 22 local authorities in Wales.

How have you calculated progress from KS2-KS4?

Progress compares the attainment of pupils in the school with the attainment of ‘similar pupils’ nationally. The similar pupils’ attainment becomes an estimate of performance. The ‘similar pupils’ calculation is based on KS2 prior attainment, gender and month of birth. The difference between the school’s attainment and the estimate is progress, which can be a positive, negative or a neutral value. Progress is only calculated for ‘matched pupils’; those with KS2 prior attainment.

Please remember that the data is for internal use only and is NOT intended to be used for external accountability.

Updated on 7th December 2021

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