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KS1 2021 self-evaluation guidance


As part of this year’s results service, FFT have produced a national analysis of KS1 results based on pupil TA data uploaded by schools in Summer 2021.

The 2021 self evaluation reports are based on attainment and value added progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics and compares your TA results to a range of national comparators (based on other schools taking part in the service).

The data is for internal use only and is NOT intended to be used for external accountability. With no test data available, this year’s TA analysis should also be treated with additional care, especially when comparing to data from previous years.

The ‘national’ comparator has been generated using the data supplied by participating schools. Please take this into account when analysing your school’s data.

Analysing your results

Our 2021 self-evaluation reports have been calculated using the teacher assessment data collected during our 2021 KS1 results service.

  • How does attainment compare to the FFT national average?
  • Use the value added (VA) measures to assess progress between EYFS and KS1.
  • Gender, term of birth and disadvantage can have a significant impact on your results. Use the pupil groups section to identify the potential impact of these factors.
  • Use the scatterplots to identify pupil outliers.

Remember that the value added scores are the difference between the progress made by your pupils against similar pupils nationally. They are not simply the difference between School and National Attainment.

The context report has been populated in the following ways:

  • For schools that used Aspire Data Exchange when completing the 2021 results service this data has been synced with the schools MIS.
  • For schools who did not use Aspire Data Exchange we have used the latest context data we received from the DfE.


What Scaled Score conversions have you used?

The 2021 analysis includes scaled score data which has been converted from Teacher Assessments. The conversion mappings are included below and have been calculated on the basis of national performance distribution patterns.

Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Codes

Further help

For further help and advice, contact the FFT support team:
Email: support@fft.org.uk – Telephone: 01446 776262 (option 2)

Updated on 4th October 2021

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